Friday, June 26, 2009

Optimus Prime is a Chrisr figure

So I saw the new Transformers movie the other day.

It is amazing.

It has everything.

Good looking girls, explosions, humor, plot continuity and most importantly ***SPOILER*** (but not a huge one) a battle between two enemies one of whom is an ancient Cybertronian referred to only as The Fallen who rebelled and abandoned his brothers because he hated humanity, the first Primes and serves as Darth Sidious to Megatron's Darth Vader. The other is Optimus Prime, a hero with two names but who is usually referred to by the last (which turns out to be a title), a leader who dies to save Earth, and than is resurrected to defeat the Fallen. (See where I'm going with this?)***SPOILER END*** And the U.S.S. John C. Stennis C.V.N. 74 was in the movie, the ship that I had my Youngster cruise on!

But I noticed something very interesting. It has to do with the way that the government handles the Decepticon threat. In the first movie you had the character of the Secretary of Defense played by the awesome Jon Voight (one of my favorite actors) who is extremely proactive, doesn't take any shit from anyone, lest of all a talking robot and even wields a shotgun when the time comes. He is an example of the kind of reaction one would expect from a member of the Bush administration.

Incidentally, while Bush is never named in the first movie, the President, seen briefly when Air Force One is attacked, is clearly meant to resemble W. Obama is, in fact, named in the second movie in a news report after the Decepticons sink an aircraft carrier (not the Stennis).

In the second movie, Sam Witwicky has all the knowledge from the AllSpark downloaded into his brain when he touches a shard of the AllSpark. After utterly pwning most of the planet, including the US Navy, the Fallen hi-jacks most of Earth's communication system in order to broadcast a demand to surrender Sam to them. (Sounds like the terrorists) They want the information in Sam's head, so the can find the Matrix of Leadership, which will activate a Sun Harvester, which has the capability to wipe out life on Earth (this entire plan if the reason the Fallen fell in the first place).

A government agent, who is a liason to the Autobots, actually suggests that they might hand Sam over to prevent another Decepticon attack. This is after he suggests that the Autobots go home, alleging that their presence is the reason that the Decepticons did not leave Earth after the AllSpark was destroyed.

This is exactly what the Obama administration would do in a situation like this! In order to prevent conflict they would negotiate with the people who JUST SANK A FUCKING AIRCRAFT CARRIER! They would be naive enough to believe that the Decepticons would go away if their enemies the Autobots went away too. Wrong! They would just finish the job and destroy the planet. The Obama administration would dialogue with these evil, destroying robots from outer space.

In its characterizations of both of the last two Presidencies, the Transformers movies have been spot on.

Like I said, this new Transformers is awesome! It might be better than the original. Unfortunately, however the same was said about X-Men 2, Dead Man's Chest, and Spider-Man 2 and we all saw how well that turned out. (One alright, another okay and one absolutely awful)

See well just have to wait and see and hope that the Transformers movies turn out like the Lord of the Rings movies.

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